LIBRO Cymbalisms: A Complete Guide for the Orchestral Cymbal Player (Book & CD) de Robert Sonner,Frank Epstein PDF ePub
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Cymbalisms: A Complete Guide for the Orchestral Cymbal Player (Book & CD) de Robert Sonner,Frank Epstein
Descripción - Reseña del editor (Percussion). Frank Epstein, cymbalist with the Boston Symphony Orchestra, shares a host of musical and magical moments from his experience as a member of this great orchestra. This book/2-CD package discusses the concepts of sound, musicianship, precision, articulation, color, balance, and response in orchestral cymbal playing as it relates to the some of the greatest works in the repertoire. Cymbal players will gain valuable insight on developing a good sound through the many personally developed and formulated strokes contained within. The accompanying CDs feature over 100 excerpts from orchestral literature (performed by the Boston Symphony) to help demonstrate the vast array of cymbal techniques and artistry required in the music from the greatest composers of the genre.
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Cymbalisms a complete guide for the orchestral cymbal isbn 9780634063299 0634063294 oclc number 166368068 notes the accompanying cds feature over 100 excerpts from orchestral literature performed by the boston symphony to help demonstrate the vast array of cymbal techniques and artistry required in the music from the greatest composers of the genrepage 4 of cover Hal leonard cymbalisms a complete guide for the get the guaranteed best price on percussion method books like the hal leonard cymbalisms a complete guide for the orchestral cymbal player book2cds at musicians friend get a low price and free Cymbalisms a complete guide for the orchestral cymbal cymbalisms a complete guide for the orchestral cymbal player epstein, frank 0073999576917 books ca
Detalles del Libro
- Name: Cymbalisms: A Complete Guide for the Orchestral Cymbal Player (Book & CD)
- Autor: Robert Sonner,Frank Epstein
- Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Música
- Tamaño del archivo: 9 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
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